What is “GREETING” ??
Greetings is an expression with aim to ask news or greet people.
^^How Do You Greet Other People^^
^^Bagaimana Cara Untuk Menyapa Orang Lain^^
Morning/Afternoon/Evening Morning/Afternoon/Evening
How are you? Fine/Very well/not bad
Hello/Hi Hello/hi
How’s life? Not verry well , I guess.
How are things? Not bada t all.
Hi, Dayz! Long time not see you! Hi, Seungri! Yeah right!
^^How Do You Introduce Yourself^^
^^Bagaimana Cara Untuk Memperkenalkan Dirimu Sendiri^^
It’s a good that you introduce yourself when you meet someone for that First time, such as on your first day to school.
Hi, I’m Kwon Ji Young,you can call me Young! Hi, I’m Dayanna, you can call me Day!I want to introduce myself, my name is Taeyang! Hi, I’m James, nice to meet you!
Hello, I’m Choi Seung Hyun. How do you do? I’m Towry. How do you do?
^^How Do You Introduce Other People^^
( Bagaimana Cara Memperkenalkan Orang lain)
Example :
· I would like to introduce Jacky!
· I would like you to meet Ajeng!
· Excusme , Ken, this is Kon!
^^How Do You Close or end Your Conversation^^
(Bagaimana Mengakhiri Pembicaraan)
Ø See you!
Ø I’m sorry, i must go now!
Ø Have a nice day!
Ø Good Bye!
Ø Good night!
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